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Tai Chi Art Tutoring by
Thomas Nowakowski
more info


News !
International Push Hands Meeting in Prague
September www.push-hands.cz



Contact us

e-mail : info@taichi-goldenhill.info

telephone: (+44) 0 751 409 2687


Push hands meettings:

Prague: www.push-hands.cz

Hannover: www.push-hands.de

Tai Chi Caledonia: www.taichicaledonia.com

North Sea Tai Chi: www.northseataichi.nl

Sites of Golden Hill instructors:

Centre of taoist arts * Golden Hill: www.zlatykopec.org , www.taichi-goldenhill.info

Ivo Marvan: www.marvan.cz/tai-chi

René Kyselý: www.rene-kysely-tai-chi.webnode.cz

Katja Fleig: www.enco-re.eu

Pamela Brückl-Mayr: qigong-taichi.jimdo.com

Paul Wenninger: www.kabinettadco.at

Daniel Żurawski: www.taichi.bydgoszcz.pl

Maciej Kokot: www.taichiczestochowa.pl


Taiji Europa Portal: www.taiji-europa.eu

Nils Klug: www.tai-chi-studio.de

Paul Silfverstråle: www.ptcc.se

Ronnie Robinson: www.chirontaichi.co.uk




Please like our "Shapes o Balance - Tai Chi London" FB Page:

Our London based student's Chinese Medicine diagnosis and acupuncture
Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr Amanda Redvers :


Our Swedish friend Emma’s expertise in a wide variety of therapies equips her to help people of all ages and backgrounds:

Emma Åkesson: greendragonholistics

Our friend's school : I Liq Chuan
Bartosz Samitowski's workshops in London:





*Shapes of Balance (English Blog)*........*Refleksje o Taichi (Polski Blog)*

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